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Brie group

All white mold ripened cheeses have a white rind, creaminess, woodsy flavour and a small dose of strong cheese aroma, but their individual tastes vary.
All white mold ripened cheeses have a white rind, creaminess, woodsy flavour and a small dose of strong cheese aroma, but their individual tastes vary.

Birznieku iela 8, Birznieki

Ādažu nov., LV-2164

+371 29 108 565

P.-P.: 10:00 - 18:00 
S.-Sv: Closed

"SOIRA" Ltd. signed an agreement (Nr. SKV-L-2016/624) with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) on July 27, 2016 for the "International Competitiveness Promotion" project. This project is being co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

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