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Seven/Eight (200g)

Seven/Eight (200g)

1 Kilogram

This delicate cheese with creamy paste is made using traditional French starter but using milk of local cows from wild rich pastures. Properly aged this cheese has thin somewhat wrinkled grey rind with white, yellow, blue and red mold dots. Silky textured paste easy melts on tongue revealing tastes of nuts, hay, cellars and mushrooms. Matured at least 45 days and up to 70 days. With age it becomes softer and more pungent indicating that cheese is still alive.

  • Ingredients

    Raw cow’s milk, culture, microb.ferment, salt
    Rind: Natural, edible

  • Nutrition values

    per 100g:
    Calories: 1291kJ / 312 kcal
    Total fats: 26g (saturated fats: 21.8 g)
    Carbohydrates: 0 (sugars: 0)
    Protein: 19g
    NaCl: < 2g

  • Storage

    Affinage: 45-70 days
    Storage: +2℃ - +6℃
    Shelf life: 1 month

Birznieku iela 8, Birznieki

Ādažu nov., LV-2164

+371 29 108 565

P.-P.: 10:00 - 18:00 
S.-Sv: Closed

"SOIRA" Ltd. signed an agreement (Nr. SKV-L-2016/624) with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) on July 27, 2016 for the "International Competitiveness Promotion" project. This project is being co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

© 2023 SOIRA

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